2025 Thessaloniki, Greece

I-039 Anne Brochot
Comparison of common methodologies for accounting for IIV for oral bioavailability in the absence of intravenous data
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
II-021 Yuchen Guo
pmxcopula - R package for copula-based covariate simulation
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-034 Emilie Hénin
Population pharmacokinetics of MLT103 and determination of CYP2D6 polymorphism by mixture modelling
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
III-014 Lara Marques
Toward Personalized Salbutamol Therapy: Validating Virtual Patient-Derived Population Pharmacokinetic Model with Real-World Data
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-073 Morgane PHILIPP
Extension of the covariate clinical relevance determination in population pharmacokinetic analyses to the Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) and to Genetic Algorithm (GA) approaches
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-090 Mar Ribera Armengol
Causal considerations in Exposure-Response and Population PK covariate analysis
Thursday 09:50-11:20