2025 Thessaloniki, Greece


What is PAGE?

1. The Community

PAGE represents a community with a shared interest in data analysis using the population approach. It is a not-for-profit organisation (company limited by guarantee) with registered office in England and Wales. If you want to be a part of this community then please register by clicking on my profile on your left. If you have entered your personal information before at this web-site but no longer know your password, it can be mailed to you automatically using the my profile link. If you've both changed your e-mail address and do not know your password, please contact the PAGE admin team (admin@page-meeting.org); do not create a new profile!

2. The Meeting

A meeting is held in June each year at a different European location. PAGE 2025 will take place over a period of four days between 3-6 June 2025, in Thessaloniki, Greece. Registration for PAGE 2025 will open at 9:00 CET on 20 January 2025.

3. The Online Journal

This website is also home of the official online journal PAGE. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Population Approach Group in Europe. ISSN 1871-6032. All the abstracts for the past PAGE meetings can be accessed online through either the search function on the left or by going to the relevant PAGE meeting. Each abstract is formally and uniformly referenced as indicated when viewing the abstract. The web site is maintained by PAGE. Most of the content on this site is contributed by individual authors in the form of abstracts, papers, presentations, posters and so on as submitted for PAGE meetings. As such these materials are copyright of the individual authors or their institutions. Users of this site can search for these materials through the PAGE web site and may view and download them for their own private research or study. If you wish to reuse materials you must first obtain permission from the submitting author, who is linked to the abstract. 

4. The Mobile platform

Abstract-viewer Apps for the upcoming meeting are available for free download as iOS and Android versions. Additionally, a mobile version of the PAGE web-site is available at m.page-meeting.org.

5. Social media

PAGE can be found on Twitter and on LinkedIn (group and organization).

6. The PAGE pictures

Pictures of previous PAGE meetings: