I-003 Katrine Agergaard Population pharmacokinetic modelling of whole blood and intracellular tacrolimus in adult kidney transplanted patients Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-004 Jurij Aguiar Zdovc Population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic analysis of elafibranor and metabolite GFT1007 to support exposure-response characterization and dose selection in patients with primary biliary cholangitis Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-006 Karam Alali Population pharmacokinetic Models of regular SC insulin for hyperglycemia following acute ischemic stroke among patients with and without pre-existing diabetes mellitus Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-020 Irina Baltcheva Do more with less: Model-informed dosing rationale of iptacopan in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-025 Maxime Beaulieu Evusheld hastens viral clearance in COVID-19 hospitalized patients: a modeling analysis of the randomized DisCoVeRy trial Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-027 Massinissa Beldjenna Development of a multi-endpoint mechanistic pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model describing CD40 antagonism in autoimmune diseases. Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-029 Amina Bensalem Concentration-effect relationship of the sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitor dapagliflozin in healthy Beagle dogs Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-033 Daniele Boaretti Towards an integrated mPBPK/PD model for drug-optimization and prediction of relapse after treatment of tuberculosis in mice Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-036 Chloé Bracis Mechanisms of ART-free virus control of SHIV with AAV gene therapy delivery of eCD4Ig Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-042 Divakar Budda A comprehensive binding kinetic model for morphine in the pain matrix regions: what are the most important physiological factors for morphine µ-OR occupancy? Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-050 Kangna CAO A mechanism-based pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model for iron-regulated hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells commitment towards erythroid and megakaryocyte lineages Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-052 Bibiana CARDOZO PKPD Relationship between THC Levels and Self-Assessment of Driving Proficiency Among Cannabis Users Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-059 Akshita Chawla Comparative assessment of incretin therapies on weight loss through a model-based meta-analysis approach Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-066 Maxwell Chirehwa Designing Phase II studies for optimal Phase III dosing/regimen selection using end-to-end DETER modelling Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-081 Kristof De Vos In vitro-in silico platform for mechanistic investigation of bile acid disposition in cultured hepatocytes Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-087 Alessandro Di Deo Model-based evaluation of predictive markers of response to adalimumab in juvenile idiopathic arthritis Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-089 Nada Dia Model-informed comparison of the clinical relevance of four renal function markers on meropenem target attainment in critically ill septic patients Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-090 Cheikh Diack Ocular Pharmacodynamics of Intravitreal Faricimab in Patients With Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration or Diabetic Macular Edema Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-095 Vincent Duval Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic framework to support the subcutaneous dosing regimen of nemolizumab in subjects with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-098 Omar Elkayal Anidulafungin exposure and population pharmacokinetics in critically ill patients with invasive candidiasis Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-105 Floris Fauchet Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic framework to support the subcutaneous dosing regimen of nemolizumab in subjects with Prurigo Nodularis Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
I-108 Rebekka Fendt A virtual ulcerative colitis patient population to explore combination treatments in in silico clinical trials Wednesday 10:20-11:50 |
II-001 Edoardo Faggionato Use of the Minimally-Invasive Oral Minimal Model to Quantify the Effect of Fat and Protein on the Postprandial Glucose Excursion in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes under Free-living Conditions Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-002 Maite Garraza Obaldia Semi-mechanistic model of pulmonary ventilation changes during propofol and remifentanil infusion as measured by minute-volume and transcutaneous pCO2. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-017 Jeremie Guedj Early administration of tecovirimat shortens the time to mpox clearance in a model of human infection Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-036 Maud Hennion Population Pharmacokinetic Model of Ixodes ricinus-Contact Phase Inhibitor for patients with Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-040 Yannick Hoffert Model-informed intravenous-to-subcutaneous switching of infliximab in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-062 Martin Johnson Understanding onset and response of two key endpoints in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-063 Shreyas Joshi A multiscale framework for predicting the evolution of SARS-CoV-2 in response to vaccination and interventions. Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-073 Anne Keunecke Case study of Exposure-Safety analysis in Phase 1 oncology - lessons learned Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-080 Matthias König Captopril in Focus: Establishing an Open Pharmacokinetic Dataset and PBPK Modeling Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-085 Victoria Kulesh A mechanistic model of thymocyte dynamics: a quantitative tool for predicting drug effects on thymic function Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-086 Pietro Laddomada Dose rationale and metrics of target exposure for tacrolimus and mycophenolate in paediatric patients undergoing solid organ transplantation Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-087 Jennifer Lang Development of a population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model of lepodisiran, a small interfering RNA targeting lipoprotein(a), in healthy adults Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-100 Raphaëlle Lesage A quantitative system toxicology model of thyroid hormones for assessment of species differences in thyroid toxicity Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-101 Giulia Lestini Population pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics modeling of complement biomarkers and endpoints in C3 glomerulopathy (C3G) patients treated with iptacopan (FABHALTA®) Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-102 Yingxue Li Population Pharmacokinetic Modelling of Norepinephrine in Healthy Volunteers Prior to and During General Anesthesia Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-104 Yu-wei Lin Assessing the impact of choosing different estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) equations on pharmacokinetic models: A proof-of-concept study with illustrative examples Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
II-116 Esther Lubberts The potential of modeling and simulation as support for generic long-acting injectable (LAI) marketing authorization applications Wednesday 15:20-16:50 |
III-010 Hadija Marchiori A Nonlinear Mixed Effect model of the LNA-i-miR-221 kinetics in rats for predicting key parameters of human kinetics via allometric scaling Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-013 Eleonora Marostica Population analysis of MG-ADL total score for efgartigimod Phase 3 study in myasthenia gravis patients: application of a bounded-integer model Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-020 Denis Menshykau Population PK modeling of certolizumab pegol in pregnant women with chronic inflammatory diseases. Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-026 Adrien Mitard Modelling antibody levels impact on infection and SARS-CoV2 replication Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-028 Juma Ayubu MOHAMEDI Cumulative exposure to infliximab during induction therapy predict remission in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-031 James Morse Sevoflurane Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Adults During General Anaesthesia Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-035 Supichaya Narongchartsopon Implications of the changes in the pharmacokinetics of raltegravir in pregnant and post-partum women undergoing antiretroviral therapy against HIV infection. Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-038 Bach NGUYEN Mechanistic model of antibody response, SARS-CoV-2 viral loads and genetic mutation burden to optimise molnupiravir dosing Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-041 Antonina Nikitich An integrative physiologically-based model of T lymphocyte homeostasis and exogenously administered T cell kinetics Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-047 Katharina Och Evaluation of a pharmacokinetic model of certoparin in patients with deep vein thrombosis and severe renal insufficiency Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-051 David Outland Towards a vertex based mechanical model of vascular endothelial cell morphology in the context of the interaction of blood flow and vascular geometry Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-052 Joanneke Overbeek Population pharmacokinetics of cobicistat in once and twice daily regimens in various populations Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-054 Eirini Panoilia A model based meta-analysis of the placebo response for EASI and pruritus NRS scores in moderate to severe atopic dermatitis Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-061 Anu Patel Comparison of oxazolidinones’ exposure-response for the treatment of tuberculosis Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-064 Zorica Pejčić Joint population pharmacokinetic model for clopidogrel and its inactive carboxylic acid metabolite Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-089 Silke Retlich Leveraging Model-Based Meta-Analysis to Benchmark Chronic Kidney Disease Treatments: A Focus on Kidney Function and Proteinuria Endpoints Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
III-105 Ayatallah Saleh Evaluating the contribution of Urine Data to PopPK Models in Renal Impairment: A Case Study Thursday 09:50-11:20 |
IV-007 Anastasios Siokis In-silico clinical trials in virtual asthma patients powered by QSP accelerated the development of lunsekimig Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-008 Lucia Siovitz Characterizing the Longitudinal Exposure-Response Relationship of Upadacitinib Efficacy in Vitiligo: Insights from Analysis of Phase 2 Clinical Data Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-015 Angelica Squarzoni Pharmacodynamic Drug-Drug Interaction Between Oxaliplatin and HDAC Inhibitors in Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-021 Ida Storgaard Population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model of subcutaneous bupivacaine in a novel extended-release microparticle formulation Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-022 Hong Su How should target-mediated drug disposition model be used for predicting receptor occupancy? Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-038 Charlotte M Thomas Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modelling of Risankizumab in Plaque Psoriasis Real World Data Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-039 Anders Thorsted Item response theory-enabled translation between DAS28 and ACR – Key clinical endpoints within rheumatoid arthritis drug development Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-040 Paul Thoueille Pharmacometrics-based analysis of salmeterol and its metabolite α-hydroxysalmeterol in plasma and urine: practical implications for doping control Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-041 Johannes Tillil Automated QSP model order reduction combining multiple state-level reduction approaches Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-047 Anastasia Tsyplakova Population Pharmacokinetics of Valproic Acid, Lamotrigine, and Levetiracetam in the Pediatric Population Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-049 Debra van Asten Population pharmacokinetics of ticagrelor and its active metabolite in a real-life hospitalized population Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-050 Stijn van Beek Population pharmacokinetic analysis of elafibranor and metabolite GFT1007 to support exposure-response characterization and dose selection in patients with primary biliary cholangitis Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-051 Marinda van de Kreeke Quantifying the sensitivity and specificity of CYP450 probe drugs in predicting in vivo enzyme activity under (patho)physiological conditions Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-054 Tamara van Donge Population PK modeling of Vamikibart in aqueous humor, an anti-IL-6 monoclonal antibody, in patients with diabetic and uveitic macular edema Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-070 Umberto Villani Model-based characterisation of host-directed therapeutics against M. tuberculosis in an in vitro experimental model Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-079 Zhigang Wang Time-to-event modelling and simulation of the risk of relapse after infusion interval extension of infliximab in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-084 Dominic Whittaker Leveraging in vitro data from novel drug candidates to prioritize antibody combinations in autoimmune disease using a QSP model of IBD Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-097 Liang Yang A combined model meta-analysis of aggregated and individual FEV1 data from randomized COPD trials Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-098 Eunsol Yang Translational tool-based phase 2 clinical outcome predictions of the novel diarylquinoline TBAJ-587 for the treatment of tuberculosis, compared to bedaquiline and TBAJ-876 Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-102 Javier Zarzoso Foj Individualized dosing regimen optimization of ustekinumab through a population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model in patients with psoriasis Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-103 Tatiana Zasedateleva Local TMDD of large molecules in tissue interstitial space Thursday 15:00-16:30 |
IV-107 Tan Zhang The impact of drug properties and severity of obesity on renal clearance through glomerular filtration and active tubular secretion Thursday 15:00-16:30 |