2024 Rome, Italy

I-005 Ludovica Aiello
Modeling tumor growth inhibition in Glioblastoma spheroids after exposure to RC-106, a novel sigma receptors modulator
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-019 Annabelle Ballesta
Early morning immune checkpoint blockade and overall survival of patients with metastatic cancer: An In-depth chronotherapeutic study
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-023 Imke Bartelink
Enabling Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Precision Medicine through PET-Guided Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-038 Myriam Briki
Model-based meta-analysis of individual patient data from three independent datasets for the characterization of intravenous 5-fluorouracil population pharmacokinetics
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-049 Elio Campanile
Supporting the development and optimization of mRNA-encoded therapeutics through a multiscale Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) platform
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-054 Daniel Centanni
Pharmacometric modeling to capture the time varying pharmacokinetics of PEG-asparaginase in acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A multi-protocol analysis from Nordic and Baltic countries
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-055 Maddalena Centanni
Population pharmacodynamic characterization of automatically classified circulating tumor cells and vesicles and their relationship to survival in metastatic colorectal cancer patients
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-056 Marc Cerou
A novel drug disease model in oncology to evaluate benefit-risk balance of tusamitamab ravtansine monotherapy
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-057 Anne Chain
Population Pharmacokinetic and Exposure Response Analysis of Belzutifan in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-062 Chengcong CHEN
Organ-specific tumor dynamics predict survival of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-077 Miné De Kock
Semi-mechanistic PK model development of Sabestomig for Dose Selection
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-083 Oleg Demin
Exploring strategies to enhance DNAM1 signaling and inhibit the TIGIT/PVRIG axis
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-084 Oleg Demin Jr
Optimizing first-in-human dose for HPN536, a T-Cell Engager Targeting Mesothelin: comparison of MABEL PK-driven approach and mechanistic translational PK/RO/PA modeling
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
I-094 Vito Dozio
Population PK and exposure-response modeling to support the design of trials with Debio 0123, a WEE1 inhibitor, in cancer patients
Wednesday 10:20-11:50
II-003 Anna Gebhard
Pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic modeling and treatment simulation of maintenance therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-004 Eva Germovsek
A semi-mechanistic model of preclinical VSV-GP(-Luc) viral dynamics in blood and tumour
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-009 Antonio Goncalves
Operating characteristics of TGI metrics to support early Phase Ib decisions in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma patients based on an historical Phase III study (IMbrave150)
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-019 Ikhlas Guermi
Development of a pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model to describe blood hepcidin levels in patients with myelofibrosis and assess target engagement of zilurgisertib, an ALK2 inhibitor
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-052 Alberto Ippolito
PKPD model evaluating the ideal interplay between the PK and mechanism of activation of conditionally activated molecules
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-053 Khalid Iqbal
A review of population PK and exposure-response models reported in FDA oncology submission documents
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
Model informed dosage regimen optimization of anti-CD47 antibody using target-mediated drug disposition model.
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-075 Fenja Klima
Quantifying the impact of CYP2D6 allele activity on Z-endoxifen formation leveraging the multi-study CEPAM database: Towards treatment optimisation of tamoxifen
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-077 Franziska Isabelle Kluwe
Population Pharmacokinetic/Pharmacodynamic Modelling of Cytokine Releasing Syndrome (CRS) Events during T cell Engager Therapy
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-096 Apolline Lefevre
Uncoupling tumor cell killing and cytokine release following T-cell engager administration with a mechanistic PKPD model
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-107 Han Liu
Comparison between multistate and parametric time-to-event models for analysis of progression-free-survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in oncology trials
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
II-110 Sarah Lobet
Revealing the complexity of monoclonal antibodies exposure-response relationship in metastatic colorectal cancer patients while mitigating confounding factors
Wednesday 15:20-16:50
III-009 Mathilde Marchand
Comparison of tumor dynamics models and tumor growth inhibition metrics in support of decisions in early Phase Ib/II clinical oncology studies
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-019 Anna Mc Laughlin
Model-informed early clinical development of BI-1808, a novel monoclonal antibody to tumor necrosis factor receptor 2
Thursday 09:50-11:20
To quantify the association between tumor dynamics and overall survival across cancers: a Bayesian meta-analysis
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-024 Anna Mishina
A comparative benchmark study of empirical tumor size models in NSCLC clinical data
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-033 Veronika Musatova
Cis-binding of bispecific antibodies: effect of additional valency and dose on the antibody-target complexes formation on the example of antibody CTX8371
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-034 Goutam Nair
Development of QSP platform model for predicting clinical efficacy and CRS incidence of CD3 bispecifics in STEAP1 Prostate Cancer
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-039 Linh Nguyen Phuong
Circulating cell-free DNA size distribution as a prediction marker for early progression undergoing immune checkpoint inhibitors
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-055 Orestis Papatryfonos
Modelling of tumour growth with respect to the use of anti-cancer agents
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-059 Blaise Pasquiers
Translational modelling of tumor growth inhibition and treatment resistance for a molecule targeting apoptosis pathway
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-063 Sophie Peigné
Population pharmacokinetic analysis of datopotamab deruxtecan (Dato-DXd), a TROP2-targeting antibody-drug conjugate
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-068 Yuan Pétermann
Population pharmacokinetic model of encorafenib and binimetinb in real life settings
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-075 Antoine Pitoy
Estimation of phase III trial outcome in oncology using joint models of longitudinal biomarker and time-to-event data
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-076 Vikram Prabhakar
A comprehensive multi-scale in silico approach for predicting antibody-drug conjugate clinical efficacy across oncological indications
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-078 Alicja Puszkiel
Impact of resting energy expenditure on nivolumab pharmacokinetics and survival in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-079 Luyuan Qi
A generic modeling framework for dose regimen optimization and patient selection in radioligand therapy
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-082 Chetan Rathi
Translational PK-Tumor Growth Inhibition (TGI) modeling of type 1 PRMT and PRMT5 inhibitor combination to predict clinical response
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-091 Pascale Rietveld
The effect of pH on intratumoural docetaxel release from polymeric nanoparticle CPC634
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-095 François Riglet
Successful Establishment of Optimal Biological Dose (OBD) through PK/PD Modeling of BCL2/BIM Complex Disruption in Clinical Trials using a BCL-2 Inhibitor.
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-097 Christelle Rodrigues
Optimizing the Dose Escalation of a new anti-CD73 monoclonal antibody for target Inhibition: A Comprehensive Preclinical and Clinical Modelling Approach
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-100 Davide Ronchi
Translational modeling of tumor response to treatment: bridging preclinical to clinical studies
Thursday 09:50-11:20
III-110 Adriana Savoca
Integration of clinical data and mechanistic model simulations highlights key parameters for design and selection of successful ADCs
Thursday 09:50-11:20
IV-003 Alejandro Serrano Alcaide
Relationship between tumor growth and Treg activation status to optimize a previously published Immune oncology framework
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-012 Pooneh Soltantabar
Elranatamab Exposure-Safety Analysis in Patients with Relapse or Refractory Multiple Myeloma: Insights from MagnetisMM Studies
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-013 Meemansa Sood
Lutathera dose determination and justification in adolescents via population PK and dosimetry modeling and simulation
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-014 Tomás Sou
Population PK/PD modelling to evaluate the effect of siremadlin and disease progression on platelet dynamics in haematological malignancies
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-028 Sung Taewook
Optimizing IMC-001 Dosage Regimens Using Target Mediated Drug Disposition Model: Enhancing Therapeutic Efficacy and Safety in Cancer Treatment
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-029 Zhiyuan Tan
Model-informed pazopanib dose optimization in real-world cancer patients
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-032 David Ternant
Unveiling a “predator/prey” interplay of anti-CD19 CAR T-Cells and their targets in Relapsed/refractory DLBCL patients
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-033 Adrien Tessier
Joint Modeling Of Longitudinal Circulating Tumor DNA And Survival In Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Promise Of Early Prediction Of Response In Oncology?
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-036 Hoai-Thu Thai
A joint modeling approach leveraging intravenous data to support dose selection of subcutaneous isatuximab in combination with pomalidomide-dexamethasone in relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-053 Tamara van Donge
Middle-out physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling to support pediatric dosing recommendation for alectinib, an ALK tyrosine kinase receptor inhibitor
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-062 Scott Van Wart
Population Pharmacokinetic (PK) and Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) Modeling of Serum M-Protein in an Ongoing Phase 1/2 Study of Modakafusp Alfa in Patients with Relapsed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-092 Yin Cheong Wong
Population pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling to evaluate target suppression in patients with advanced solid tumors by ginisortamab, an anti-gremlin-1 monoclonal antibody
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-101 Simone Zannoni
The impact of weekend dosing holidays on the evaluation of the sterilizing efficacy of different 4-drug combinations in a relapsing mouse model of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection using a logistic Emax model
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-105 Stefan Zeiser
A population PK analysis of docetaxel after IV administration of CPC634 (CriPec® docetaxel) and generic docetaxel in plasma and tumor
Thursday 15:00-16:30
IV-112 Kirill Zhudenkov
A model-based survival meta-analysis for indirect comparison of immune therapy efficacy in NSCLC
Thursday 15:00-16:30