2024 Rome, Italy

B-14 Samer Mouksassi
Streamlining Clinical Development of C.E.R.A. (Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator) in Pediatric Chronic Kidney Disease Patients by Integration of Clinical Trial and Real-World Data
Wednesday 14:20-14:40
B-14 Pascal Chanu
A disease model for Multiple Myeloma developed using Real World Data and validated on Phase 3 clinical trials
Wednesday 14:00-14:20
B-15 Luca Marzano
Overcoming the discrepancies between clinical trials and real-world data of small cell lung cancer chemotherapy. A data-driven approach to learn across real-world evidence studies
Wednesday 14:40-15:00
B-16 Aole Zheng
A Novel Approach Using Pharmacometrics/Pharmacoeconomic (PMPE) Model for Cost-effectiveness Analysis of Tacrolimus-Diltiazem Combination in Liver Transplant Patients: Evidence from Real-world Clinical Data
Wednesday 15:00-15:20
B-20 Marina Savelieva
Virtual Patient Cohorts using Modeling and Simulation to support drug development in rare diseases
Wednesday 17:10-17:30