II-05 Mahmoud Ali Evaluation of the robustness of methods for model-based bioequivalence analysis for biosimilars: Clenoliximab as a case study Wednesday 15:35-17:00 |
II-25 Geraldine Celliere Comparison of a typical PK/PD model versus a mechanistic QSP model to predict the Phase II of a PSCK9 inhibitor, using MonolixSuite Wednesday 15:35-17:00 |
II-35 Pieter-Jan De Sutter Comparison of monoclonal antibody disposition predictions between different PBPK platforms Wednesday 15:35-17:00 |
II-84 Teun Post Innovative adaptive dose simulations in NONMEM to allow simulation-based model evaluation of titration-based dosing, applied to a population dose-hemoglobin model for Jesduvroq (daprodustat) Wednesday 15:35-17:00 |
II-85 Mar Ribera I Armengol Application of Structural Identifiability Analysis and Parametrisation of a Linear Mixed Effects Mirabegron Model Wednesday 15:35-17:00 |
II-93 Mohamed Tarek Fast cross-validation for Bayesian inference using proposals on a linear subspace Wednesday 15:35-17:00 |
II-95 Monika Twarogowska A method to correct VPC bias due to non-random dropout via censored data addition, using the MonolixSuite Wednesday 15:35-17:00 |
II-96 Martijn van Noort Two new user-friendly approaches to assess pharmacometric model identifiability Wednesday 15:35-17:00 |
IV-07 Alexandre Duong NONMEM versus nlmixr2 : An example of external evaluation of gentamicin Pop-PK models Thursday 15:25-16:55 |
IV-09 Mehdi El Hassani Does sample size, sampling strategy, or handling of concentrations below the lower limit of quantification matter when externally evaluating population pharmacokinetic models? Thursday 15:25-16:55 |
IV-10 Selma El Messaoudi Evaluation in model averaging: an application to viral dynamic models Thursday 15:25-16:55 |
IV-11 Ibrahim El-Haffaf Model-informed precision dosing: can the administration method influence the predictive performance of a model? An example with piperacillin. Thursday 15:25-16:55 |
IV-26 Hyunjung Lee External validation of population pharmacokinetic models on 7 published models of moxifloxacin-treated tuberculosis patients Thursday 15:25-16:55 |
IV-34 Jos Lommerse Building Effective Visualizations to Assess and Communicate Fit for Pharmacometric Models with Covariates (VACHETTE) Thursday 15:25-16:55 |
IV-40 Yersultan Mirasbekov Characterizing Bootstrap Model Selection Variability Through an Automated Model Building Approach Thursday 15:25-16:55 |